Thursday, November 8, 2012

Honeymoon inspirational pics

So my hope is to have book two out by April. This is about seven months apart in publication and I think it's very manageable since I already have a fair portion of book two written. My hope is to go for a long hall with these stories. I want to take these characters to book four and five and then perhaps do a prequel about the mothers or the originals of Rhine all together. Perhaps I will do both, we will just have to see. The response so far has been very positive and I am so pleased. Sales are slow but I gave away a lot of copies during the free promo, and I intend to expand to nook as soon as my exclusive contract with Kindle is up in December.
I was married last Saturday on October 27th and we spent the following week Honeymooning in Puerto Rico. The landscape and older buildings, along with the size of the island itself helped inspire descriptions for book two.

While there we visited a fort in Old San Juan that has inspired my descriptions of the old Prison Lamia. We will see this place on an even smaller Island off the coast when two of the characters decide to go exploring. I'm excited for this scene. It's been one of my favorites to write so far. I included some pictures of the fort we visited. I do this hesitantly, because I work hard to make sure I do not overly describe things to people. I hope to give enough description to allow people to see what I am talking about, but enough room to fill in the rest of the details themselves. It's the same reason I worked so hard to get a cover shot of Ash where you couldn't really see her face. I hoped people would be able to imagine her for themselves.

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