I'm very excited about my newest cover model for my next original story The Princess of Cinders. While Sirens and Izzy and Brynn both have sequels coming out in the next year, my third book for publication will be a Cinderella tale like you've never heard before.
I began the concept for this story when I wrote a fanfiction by the same name. I wanted to spin a version of the story that didn't involve illusion on either Cinderella or the Prince's part. The cards were on the table that she was a servant and he was the prince. The response has been so positive that I've decided to use the story as the building blocks for a full length novel.
I'm my story the kingdom is still recovering from a war that caused power to change hands. The previous royal family had been cruel and willing to tax the very life out of the people. As a result laws are placed to prevent taxing more than necessary. Property cannot be simply taken without consent and proper payment. While this protects the people, it leaves servants in a very unfortunate situation.
Ella was born nobel, but after her fathers death she is turned into a maid by her jealous step mother. When the laws are put in place it all but destroy's every ounce of hope Ella has about getting out of her current situation. When she and the prince meets their problems are amplified that much more.
I decided to play up the very contradictory situation within this story. The prince is not arrogant, but he certainly has secrets and flaws. These laws that were intended to protect his people will keep him from being able to help or control Ella at all. Even something as simple as ordering her to listen to him won't work because he does not own her. Being denied her freedom actually puts Ella in a strange position of power and leaves the prince struggling to find ways around it for the first time.
Taking on a well loved fairytale has it's own ups and downs. Writing Sirens has proven difficult because it's almost too much of an open book. Anythings I wish to have happen can and it feels much like in school when the teacher would tell you "write about anything". Most of us were left wishing for just a few more boundaries to help narrow down our ideas.
Writing Cinders has forced me to think outside the box. I don't want to simply retell what's been told so many times, but there is a heart and soul to the story that cannot be tampered with. The basic recipe needs to be followed.
I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment or subscribe for future updates.
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