Cinderella is a story told throughout time. It's told in every culture and known by almost every child. The minor details change, but the overall theme stays the same. A young girl has everything taken away from her by her step family, is forced to work as a servant, and eventually meets a prince who falls in love with her, and runs away from him so he has to find her again, and they get married. This can happen any number of ways, but the basic story has to stay intact. When I wrote the fanfiction The Princess of Cinders, the concept was simple; What would happen if both of the love interests knew the others station all along? There has to be a level of mystery to the story. Everyone loves watching the prince try to hunt for the girl he fell in love with, but what if he knew she was a servant? Or at least knew she wasn't a nobleman. What if Cinderella knew he was the prince? Even in the Disney version she claims to have not realized who he was the whole evening.
To this day that story is read, favorited and commented on. It has been extremely humbling to see the response it's gotten and that it has maintained popularity on it's own. For a while now I have been working on a full length novel version of the story, and while I am truly proud of the concepts and scenes, I am not going to complete it until I am positive it's the best this story can be. By now, the two versions are very different. The fanfiction that started it all has become the building blocks to a larger and greater story. Soon I hope to find The Princess of Cinders for sale, but I refuse to show it to the public until I'm satisfied with it. The bulk is completed, however, so it is my hope that it will not take me too much longer to complete. I'm looking forward to finishing the second story in The Sirens of Rhine Series, publishing the next Izzy and Brynn and working on a version of Beauty and the Beast next.
I have read your fan fiction version and it is amazing! I can't wait to read your print version! You are a very gifted writer and can't wait to read more of tour work!!